Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sometimes These Things Just Happen...

Well, since this is a place where I confess all my deepest secrets, I think it is only fitting that I mention that I am falling in love with my physical therapist.

She is in her sixties, and I'm pretty sure she is married...to a man, and I've never had any lesbian tendencies before now...

But all that aside...damn my knees feel good!

Do you think she will have me?


  1. Go find a masseur (male massager) and you will be even happier. :)

  2. Do tell me her secrets so I can then fall in love with you! :D hehehe....I actually need tips on my feet and ankles more than knees.....gonna get some new shoes RA Wild mentioned in her blog :D

  3. I'd fall in love with anyone who made my feet feel good!... :) L

  4. I'm telling you Laurie. Its amazing how much affection you start to feel for anyone who relieves your pain. LOL.

    Lana - Good idea. I'm almost afraid to try. ;)

    Leslie - You need to go!!! I can't believe what a difference PT has made. Everyone was shocked it took six years for me to get a ref., and now I know why. It has been such a huge help in the few weeks since I've been going. I should have gone long before now!

    2 words: Ultrasound Machine.

    Its not total relief, and its not permanent, but that few hours is sooo nice sometimes.

  5. It's great that you're working with a PT who can relieve your pain, SB. I expect I'd fall in love with anyone who could do that, too. ;o)

  6. Hey, SB! Are you all right? Haven't heard from you in a while again. I hope all is well.

  7. RA SB - I found you fron the link at Wren's place and love your take on RA. I hope you are able to come back with your prespective soon.

    A New Fan

  8. Hey Guys -

    Sorry I've been away. Lots happened. I'm will explain it soon, but first I have to get the site caught up. I have to list the book discussion questions too. I hope everything will be up and running in the next 24 hours.
